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Showing posts from March, 2018

How to copy remaining files after previous failed attempt?

In Linux terminal --- rsync -a /from/file /dest/file   you can use other options like --append , -P (--partial --progress) . See man rsync for more info.      OR rsync -aPEmivvz /from/file /dest/file     -a : "archive", includes -rlptgo (recursive, symlinks as symlinks, permissions, times, group, owner) -P : "partial progress" shows nice progress bar for each file -E : "executability" preserve whether executable or not -m : "noempty" prunes empty dirs -i : "summary" print change summary for all updates -vv : "more verbose" -z : "compression"

Good Phylogenetic Tree Display Program

Archaeopteryx . This is my favorite. It is responsive given large trees and is one of the few supporting topology editing. Nonetheless, the circular view, which is in alpha, is not as good as others. I do not like its black background, either. FigTree . A nice tree viewer. Work efficiently with medium to large trees. It is more versatile than Archaeopteryx on viewing (e.g. the fish-eye mode and the circular layout). No topology editing. Dendroscope . A viewer (almost no editing options) designed for huge trees. The selling point is its efficiency, better than both FigTree and Archaeopteryx. Nonetheless, it does not seem to aim to produce publication-ready figures (e.g. no subtree highlighting). The circular view, like in Archaeopteryx, looks ugly because texts are not rotated. Jstree . My hobby. The first Javascript based tree editor, supporting operations such as subtree cut-and-paste. In firefox/opera/chrome/safari, it is pretty responsive for medium to large tre...

Oracle JDK Installation

JDK Installation Installation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK), allows you to run Java programs on your PC and as you browse in the Internet. To install Oracle JDK with web browser Java support, follow the steps below. Open the terminal windows. Add the software repository by entering the command below, press Enter to confirm.   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java   Download and update the package information from the software repositories. sudo apt-get update   Install Oracle JDK by entering the command below.   sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer   Configure the java command by entering the following command and enter the number representing the choice of Oracle JDK 8. If you only have one version of Java on your machine, you can skip this step.  sudo update-alternatives --config java  Configure the javac command by entering the following command and enter the number repr...

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